TATC - a global network of Transformer Engineers Supporting Utility Clients.

With resources position in disparate global locations, TATC can expedite resources as needed and do so cost effectively. With our Plan-B Solutions alliance in the US we can offer an extended scope of services including substation services and product solutions.

After many years as a dedicated transformer design Engineer, I realized there was a need for Utility clients to be represented by qualified, independent and professional Engineers to ensure they receive the best transformer deliverable, built to their specification without compromise.
I embarked on developing a lean and efficient collective of transformer Engineers with unparalleled experience in the trade.

Edgar Trummer - M.Sc. Engineering
Founder, Owner & Managing Director

TATC Management

Edgar Trummer founded “Transatlantic Transformer Consulting” (TATC) in 2011. He started his carrier after receiving his Master degree in Extra High Voltage Engineering at the University Graz as a Transformer Engineer in Weiz. During his 40+ years in the transformer business, Edgar Trummer gained experience in all transformer related fields including Transformer Test Field, Design, R&D, Manufacturing, etc.

He has held leading positions in the transformer industry and is an active IEEE member.

In 2016 TATC entered an alliance with Plan B Solutions in USA , bringing together a joint group of experienced Engineers to support Clients with an expanded team of experts and extended scope of services.

TATC - A Dynamic Hybrid Service Organization

And Partner of the international Plan B Solutions

Why work with us

Benefit from our services and solutions!

We guarantuee and prove daily.

Benefit from our services and solutions!

We guarantuee and prove daily.

Independent View

We work for grids and contractors only, not for manufactures with theoretical background and practical experience in all fields of transformers including R&D, manufacturing, testing

Solution and result oriented

We provide cusomized solutions and a plan B - we solve problems and deliver the desired results

Expert and Software based

A combination of a hybrid global network of experts, local reps and best-in-Class software

Fast and Cost efficent

A lean and responsive organization, highly standardized processes, reliable data and a strong team of experts off- an on-site.

Where We Perform

Transformer Design Reviews, Witness Testing and more…

Transformer Design Reviews, Witness Testing and more…